lunes, 1 de junio de 2020



New month, welcome June! Llegó junio casi sin darnos cuenta, y ya vamos concluyendo un poco las tareas.

Como os comenté hace algunas semanas, ya que estamos con los inventos, una de las actividades sería crear nuestro propio invento. Si le enseñáis a vuestros padres esta imagen, seguramente la identifican con el "zapatófono", un zapato-teléfono. ¡Qué tiempos aquellos!
A lo largo de la historia se han inventado objetos un tanto peculiares pero que intentaban hacernos la vida más fácil.

-El bebé-trapeador.

- La almohada-avestruz.

- El dispensador de papel de wc.

Ahora os toca a vosotros, os toca diseñar un nuevo invento que sea útil para nuestra vida, darle nombre en inglés y describirlo.

En este caso se hace a través del blog. En comentarios vais a dejarme la información necesaria:
- Invention: _______
- It was invented by: _____
- It was invented in the year: ______
- Country and city: ______
- Main use: ______

Se trata de la misma información que escribísteis de cada objeto investigado en la actividad anterior. ¿Y el dibujo? El dibujo de vuestro invento lo haréis y me lo enviáis por correo electrónico. Cuando los tenga todos, los pondré aquí para que los veáis todos.

Ahora sí, vuestros inventos. Han sido geniales todos los que habéis compartido y que podéis ver en comentarios. Aquí os pongo los dibujos que habéis realizado. Thanks!


Iker F.


Iker H.



¡Estoy deseando ver vuestra creatividad!

14 comentarios:

  1. HELLO!!! I am Hugo.

    -Invention:Automatic soap dispenser.
    -It was invented by:Hugo Moya Martínez.
    -It was invented in the year:2.020.
    -Country and city:Almería, Spain.
    -Main use:Make automatic soap.
    Description:Its use is very easy, first they put their hands under the apparatus, he detect it and makes soap.

    1. Wow, Hugo, it's really good! 👍✨
      And it's very appropiate for the COVID-19 situation! 🙆
      It's a fantastic invention, congratulations!👏
      I want to be the picture! 😊

  2. Hello I am Cristina
    -It was invented by:Cristina Fernández Latorre
    -It was invented in the year: 2020
    -Country and city: Abla, Almería, Spain.
    -Main use:It is an invention in which we have the book and the notebook together and thus always carry it together. So we never forget the book or the notebook and they take up less space. They take up less space. They would be divided by quarters, and thus we would carry less weight.
    Bye, Bye.

    1. Wow Christine, very good!! The librote is an excellent invention for school and for diferentes jobs. 🔝
      Now, I need 5 librotes, can you tell me where can I but but them? 😉
      Have a good weekend!❤

  3. Hello I am Jhon Francisc
    Invention:Speed Machine
    It was invented by:Juan Francisco
    It was invented in the year:2020
    Country and city:Almería,Spain
    Main use:To go faster

    1. Wow John Francisco, you like speed!!!💨
      It's a good invention for going faster!🔝 Sometimes I need It😉
      Good luck with your creation!

  4. Hello I am Iker Fernandez
    Invencion:drip cup
    It was invented:by Iker Fernandez Rubia
    Was invented in the year:2020
    Country,city and population:Spain,Almeria,Abla
    Its main use is:in case a little liquid branches off,it stays in the strip and does not drip.

    1. Wow Iker, it's an interesting invention! 👏✨
      It's very useful for babies, great!👏
      I hora you can send a lot of units ir this object😉
      Remember, town is better thank population. (Mejor poner town que population, ya que town es pueblo y population se usa más para hablar de habitantes)
      Fantastic, good job!!🏆

  5. Hello I am Iker H
    - Invention: The bacteria detector.
    - It was invented by: Iker Herrerías Catalicio.
    - It was invented in the year: 2020.
    - Country and city: Abla, Almería, Spain.
    - Main use: It is a device that is used to know if you have clean hands or not, if the green button lights up, you have clean hands, if the red button lights up, you have to wash your hands. In case you don' t realize it vibrates you for a while warns you on the screen.
    Bye bye.

    1. Wow, Iker H., it's really good! 👍✨
      Your bacteria detector is very appropiate for the COVID-19 situation!
      It could be a good option for security in offices, schools, companies, etc 🙆
      It's a fantastic invention, congratulations!👏
      I want but you one of this! 😊

  6. Hello I am Sergy
    -Invention: face mask with pocket
    -It was invented is: Sergio Catalicio Cuerva
    -It was inventedin the year: 2020
    -Country and city: Almeria, Spain
    -Main use: it is used to protect itself from the coronavirus and keep small things in it

    1. Wow, Sergy, it's really good! 👍✨
      And it's very appropiate for the COVID-19 situation! 🙆
      It's a fantastic invention, congratulations!👏
      I need the picture! 😊

  7. Hello I am Maria .
    — Invention: a box where you put your clothes and fold them.
    —It was invented:María Oliva Lorenzo.
    —It was invented in the year: 2020.
    —country and city: Spain,Abla,Almería.
    —Main use: serves to avoid having to fold our clothes.

    1. Wow, Mart, it's really good! 👍✨
      And it's very appropiate to have got one of this at home! It's very useful!
      It's a fantastic invention, congratulations!👏
