miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020


Hi, my favourite cakes!!

Here, the new activity!

Ayer vimos las diferentes emociones y sentimientos en clase. Se resumen en la siguiente lámina:
Ahora, a partir de esas emociones, tenéis que poner qué sensación os despierta cada una de las pequeñas imágenes que os presento a continuación. 

Lo haréis en comentarios siguiendo la siguiente estructura:
  1.  I feel… 
  2.  I feel… 
  3.  I feel… 
Es muy sencillo, sigue esa estructura y acompáñala de la sensación que sientas al ver cada imagen. 

I feel happy and in love with you, my Little cakes!!!

10 comentarios:

  1. Hello eno ������
    I'm Ainara
    These are my homework.
    1. I feel happy.
    2. I feel nervous.
    3. I feel frustrated.
    4. I feel happy.
    5. I feel in love.
    6. I feel in calm.
    7. I feel hungry.
    8. I feel upset.
    9. I feel motivated.
    Bye bye. Kisses.❤❤❤

    1. Excellent!! You feel a lot of emotions!😊
      My favourite photo is number 5 because I can see you!!
      Thank you, my little cake! Have a good weekend!😘❤😙

  2. Good morning eno!!
    I´m Zoe
    1. I feel happy
    2. I feel scared
    3. I feel surprised
    4. I feel excited
    5. I feel motivated
    6. I feel worried
    7. I feel hungry
    8. I feel Sad
    9. I feel in love

    1. Hi Zoe!!! Fantastic, very good👏🎉
      You feel some emotions!😁😍😲😢😱😋
      You are a champion, thank you for your comment!

  3. 1:I feel happy
    2:I feel depressed and angry
    3:I feel scared
    4:I feel calm (no aparece hay. Sorry ♡)
    5:I feel in love
    6:I feel thoughtful (la e vuscado en el traductor. Pensativa)
    7:I fell in love,happy and hungry
    8:I feel depressed
    9:I feel happy
    I'm maite
    I love you

    1. Hi Maitechu techu!! 👋
      Very good use of the dictionary,perfect!!
      You feel some emotions with the photos, and all of them are good! 😊
      Have a good weekend and remember me!😉
      I love you💗😘❤😙

  4. Hello
    1.I feel happy
    2.I feel das
    3.I feel snocked
    4.I feeh motivated
    5.I feel happy
    6.I feel tired
    7.I feel hungry
    8.I feel upset
    9.I feeh surprised
    I'm Marta
    I love you enooo

    1. Martiiiiiii😊
      Very good, I supose un sentence 2 is "sad", not das, jeje. No problem.
      I want to give you a big hug like in photo 9. I miss you a lot!
      A big big big kiss, darling! I love you so much💗😘😙💗

  5. Hello Eno
    Soy irene
    1.I feel happy
    2.I feel sad
    3.I feel scared
    4.I feel motivated
    5.I feel happy
    6.I feel shy
    7.I feel happy
    8.I feel scared
    9.I feel happy

    Bye bye Eno😘😘

    1. Irene, how are you??😊
      You feel very Happy in your sentences!!☺😀😃 Excellent!🎉
      I am happy with you, I miss you a lot you know?
      I love you, have a good weekend💗😙❤😘
